Friday, November 28, 2008

{ psst... }

You can find me over here today...


I'd love it if you'd stop by for a visit!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

{ 7 random things... }

Lovely Miss Cindy recently tagged me to describe 7 random things about myself. Since I'm just now getting around to it, and it being Thanksgiving and all, I thought I'd share 7 {very} random things for which I'm grateful.

flea markets, yard sales, craigslist
Nothing beats the thrill of the hunt. Some of my favorite jaunts have included a weekend girls trip to the Pasadena Rose Bowl flea market, the Alameda Point Collectibles and Antiques Fair, and the ultimate excursion to the Paris flea market.
Flowers from my garden by you.
a souvenir I picked up from the Paris flea market

The VW brand grabbed a hold of me early on and never let go. Perhaps it's because my parents brought me home from the hospital as a newborn in a VW beetle or the fond childhood memories I have from our ten week road trip across the United States in a VW bus. I've personally owned 2 jettas, a new beetle, and a pasaat. My ultimate dream car...the convertible bug of course.!

Volksie by BrianMills.
image: volksie by flickr fave brianmills

the flat iron
hands down, the best invention EVER. All you wavy/frizzy haired girls out there know what I'm talking about.

I love the instant gratification of freshening up a piece of furniture or a room with a new coat of paint. My hubby jokes that he never knows what color rooms he's going to come back to upon returning home from a business trip.

pastel gray, pink, yellow, & green
image source: domino magazine

Old fashion soda shoppes
Sitting at the counter with my favorite scoop...sheer bliss.

Vic's by happyshooter.

San Francisco
I grew up visiting my grandparents in San Francisco and exploring this magical city many a weekends with my parents, who were both born and raised there. As amazing as my travels to Paris and Positano were, San Francisco will always have my heart and I'm so grateful to still live so close to it.

image by Thomas Hawk

this smile
Ok...this one is not so random, but I couldn't resist...Grateful doesn't even begin to describe my feelings for this smile {toothless and all!}. It greets me each and every morning and I can't imagine my life without it.

my baby by you.

I live a blessed life and have much for which I'm thankful and grateful. To those of you who know me, know me... {i hope} I've told you how much I love and appreciate you. And to my imaginary friends...thank you for stopping by and sharing a bit of your week with me. Your visits are truly appreciated. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving/pre-winter holiday weekend!!!

P.S. I'm truly grateful for this surprise. Wow...Thank you for your kind words sweet Holly!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

{ monday making me smile... }

A few of my faves + early online discounts = avoidance of the dreaded Black Friday madness!


1. Custom letter vintage wallpaper ornaments ~
    buy any 5 for $30 (a $10 savings)
2. Andrea..."let laughter save the day" ring ~ 
    enter "melissaloves" in comments to save 10%
3. Merino Rose Cardigan. J.Crew ~ 
    save an extra 20% ~ today ~ with EXTRA 20 code
4. Shadows bracelet from The Glass Onion ~ 
    buy 1 item and save 30% off a 2nd item.

Friday, November 21, 2008

{ friday finds... }

It's seventy and sunny* today in Northern California, so I'm hoping you'll understand if I take a break from the online world to soak in this positively perfect Fall day. Before I sign off, I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite site seeing finds from the week...

01.  Ez and Holly's fabulous new project
02.  Danielle's latest creation
03.  Nie's Nie's travels...yay!
04.  Suann's latest gift giving idea. {it should be noted that I adore everything she designs}.
*Another of my faves you must check out.

Wising you all have an A.mazing weekend!!!

Image Credit: That would be a Narcissus--in full bloom--I found on our side yard. The bulbs we planted for next Spring are popping up and blooming in November. Is it wrong of me to focus on it's beauty and heavenly scent instead of the global warming implications? :) 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

{ these are a few... }

of my favorite things...


I'm not hosting Thanksgiving this year...that's best left to the experts, aka my mom {Thanksgiving brunch} and my bro-in-law {Turkey Day dinner}.  Still, a girl can dream about what she'd like her Thanksgiving table to look like if she suddenly became the hostess with the mostess...
1. Rich Autumn colors as seen in these vintage ribbons
2. Candlelight accented by glass hurricanes and natural elements
3. Simple, print at home place cards
4. An eclectic mix of vintage turkey transferware 
5. Any piece of Frances Palmer's pottery would do {I especially love the aqua}
6. Parting gifts for the guests like these mini notecard sets from emmalynne
7. Natural table linens like this vintage inspired jaquard tablecloth

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

{ book smart }

I was smitten with these miniature letterpressed books the moment I spotted them on this fun site.


My daughter and I always sneak a special surprise into my hubby's suitcase just before he leaves for a business trip--I think one of these would be just perfect! What would you do with these little gems?

Monday, November 17, 2008

{ a day in the life: going to the chapel... }

Hi friends...I've been playing a bit of catch up today after attending the wedding of our dear, dear next door neighbors' daughter last evening. 

bellawedding by you.

What a true delight it was to attend...a very simple, intimate affair with close friends and family. The bride's dress was custom designed by one of her friends. Isn't it gorgeous?

FH000004 by you.

The reception was held in a wonderful restaurant, which is housed in a historical building that had a previous life as a firehouse in the late 1800s...a gorgeous backdrop with the most wonderful, ambiant lighting...we were all aglow ;).

FH000016 by you.

My favorite, favorite part of the festivities, however, actually occurred the evening before the wedding when the groom followed Italian tradition (the bride's heritage) and surprised her with a midnight Italian. We were alerted ahead of time and invited to join the celebration.

In this first picture the groom has just started in with "That's amoré!" can see the bride peeking out of her window to find out what was going on. 

P1010003 by you.

More singing...

P1010019 by you.

Below the bride's father sits gazing upon the scene. It kills me every time I look at this photo...I can only imagine what a bittersweet moment this was for him.

P1010018 by you.

I couldn't resist sharing these snippets from my weekend with you all. I love weddings, don't you? 

P.S. Thank you to all of my regular readers and the many new visitors who have stopped by and left such thoughtful comments over the last few days...I'm still going through all of them and discovering each of your wonderful blogs...please know that I truly love and appreciate your feedback.

Friday, November 14, 2008

{ my place or yours...destination: jordan }

Petra photo by Yaatra. via flickr.

Each day, upon visiting my {virtual} friend Karey, I feel as though I'm transported into a magical fairy tale. This gorgeous Midwestern Princess, now living in the Middle East, shares the most amazing, heartfelt stories of her beloved prince, their 3 little princesses, and their life in a land far, far away--certainly all part of the magic Karey weaves into her special tales. It's Karey's knack for seeing and celebrating the little things, however, that bring true sparkle to each and every post she writes. 

So while Jordan may not currently be on your top 3 list of Places to Go, your perception of it is certain to change after reading today's My Place or Yours. Please join Karey as she shares with us the happily ever after she and her family have found in Amman, Jordan and why she's so proud to call it home. 
i hate pics of myself

Please tell us a little about yourself
hi everyone! it’s me…karey m. i’m positively giddy about sharing suzanne’s space today. mostly because S.HOPtalk is brilliant, but mostly-mostly because suzanne is, quite simply, a wonderful soul. as the oldest of my girlies three would say, i’ll bet her heart is ruby red. she's become one of my very favorite imaginary friends.

i live in
amman, jordan with my husband, who affectionately signs all of his notes to me love, uncle sugar, and the three girlies we’ve made: lillie kate, grae-rose, and esmé dahlia. most days, i write mackin ink to remind us of who we were and the grand adventures we shared. if i’m feeling particularly naughty, i write mackin ink to make uncle sugar’s eyes overflow.

the girlies three by you.

we may have already met on
kirtsy, where i’m lucky enough to be a design and crafts editor. which means i’m required to scour your bright sites for inspiration to share with the kirtsy masses. {sigh.} it’s a dirty job…good thing i only wear black.

i’m a foreign magazine junkie, currently addicted to anything and everything in print from the uk, australia, anywhere-in-asia, and, of course, the arab world. i’m a crow, drawn to all things sparkly, a madness i’m trying not-so-hard to cure. and every so often, i freelance for a local writing refinement firm. but all i’m really trying to do is add three women to the world who love themselves so much that they want the best for everyone. i really hope that one works out.

enough about me. i’m desperate to introduce you to the country i’ve called home for nearly three years. a country that has gifted my family with her lovely people, her magical traditions, and her never-ending generosity. welcome to my place. welcome to jordan.

Three words that best describe Jordan
heroic, humbling, and always a haven.

Your favorite time of day
ever since we’ve lived in this part of the world {we previously lived in muscat, oman for a few years.}, i’ve woken up every morning around four thirty during the day’s first of five calls to prayer, known as fajr. it sounds like this.

no matter your beliefs, it’s an incredibly serene way to begin the day, right? made even more irresistible when i remember that an overwhelming majority of jordan is awake and at peace at the very same time. it's moments like this when i almost pinch myself.

Currently on your radar
cuba has me under her spell. i’m on constant watch for the exact minute our embargo and travel restrictions disappear. until then, i vacation on
flickr, swimming in the deep photostreams of modest and jill and saminater.

turquoise.coche.havana photo by saminater. via flickr.

thanks to uncle sugar, we’ve amassed quite an impressive collection of old-school cuban wooden cigar boxes. just a few more, and i’ll be able to make my dream advent calendar for my girlies three. because nothing screams merry christmas more than tobacco and communism.

What is your most cherished spot in your home? And why?
i adore our walls crammed with photos. they truly tell our life story. which, to me, looks an awful lot like one hell of a holiday.

my fave photo wall 1

my mood always brightens when i walk through our back hallway. adorned with my girlies’ petite homages to rothko and wescoat, grae’s portrait of uncle-sugar-riding-on-a-turtle from nearly seven years ago, paper lanterns hung with fuchsia ribbon, a locally-crafted carpet, and ever-changing tubs of toys…it’s just plain cheery.

my fave hallway by you.
the best part? that hallway leads me to my three and uncle sugar.

Favorite discovery
i love the spontaneity of outdoor markets.
souk jara is a delightful weekend excursion during the summer months, and a great source for local artwork, all-things-handmade, and even furniture.

souk jara furniture by you.

the souq al ard at beit al bawadi is another, i wonder what they’ll have this week kind of a place. from lavender to lemon curd to soap house goodies to a secret back room filled with racks and racks of random couture, this market never disappoints.

i also didn’t realize how much i loved the local pottery, especially
silsal ceramics. their modern collection is my downfall, for sure. if you can’t get to amman, you’re still in luck; silsal’s on the verge of opening an online shop.

silsal mod vase by you.

Where do you go to escape?
i could wander ‘round readers bookshop all day with my girlies, and still return that evening after i sent them off to sleep. it’s seriously that well-stocked and that much fun.

readers owners

for me, maybe the most remarkable aspect of readers is that it was made in jordan by two jordanian women. even more impressive? they’ve hand-picked every. book. in. the. shop. the very very very best part? one of them is my friend. and both she and readers make me way less homesick.

Who is/are your favorite artist(s)?
i firmly believe
rima malallah must be a living fairy. not the kind that perches quietly on tufts of pale pink, but the kind who mesmerizes all who enter her studio as she races up and down her twisty staircase with her pixie fringe and random expletives and armloads of her very cool art.

love on a bike

i’ve bought customized treasure boxes and journals, which are always a hit. when i need an exceptionally fab hostess gift, i simply drop off bottles of wine, upon which she decoupages a sampling of her exceptionally fab work. i always always request her owls.

girlie treasure boxes

What is/are your favorite local shop(s)?
the crow in me can’t stay away from
lama hourani’s gallery. i think every woman should own one of her distinctive pieces. as for me, i’m working on my third.

lama hourani mine

Best kept local secret
when we first arrived in amman just a smidge before our girlies’ september birthdays, someone whispered in my ear about
sugar daddy’s bakery. at the time, sugar daddy’s was nothing more than the most drop-dead delightful cupcakes and cakes, baked in a home kitchen and delivered by one of the most handsome boys in the city.

sugar daddy's bakery-1 by you.

today, that handsome boy’s become a family friend, and is mere weeks away from opening new shops in beirut and dubai. we never celebrate a birthday without his babycakes. and he’s promised me that as soon as he moves into his brand new amman location, he’ll give me his current shop’s sunshades. anyone recognize those cupcakes?

sugar daddy's girlies-1

An ideal spot to linger over lunch
i honestly can’t remember the last time i enjoyed a leisurely lunch. but lingering over early cocktails or a light dinner with uncle sugar? i’m in.

the living room has been a favorite since our first few weeks in amman. they've a sushi bar, a stellar salmon tori, sinkably deep velvet couches, and the lighting makes anyone look gorgeous.

we also enjoy the
square bar at the four seasons. uncle sugar is always impressed with the mini kobe burgers. i’m always impressed when the staff - from the valet to the doorman to the waiter - pretends to remember me. welcome back, madame.

at least once or twice a month, i meet friends at our favorite sushi bar,
vinaigrette, for some urgently needed laughs and crunchy salmon salad. it’s beyond.

When visiting Jordan, don't miss...
there’s a reason petra was named one of the new seven wonders of the world. it’ll steal your breath, and fill you up with enough awe and beauty and…wonder to last a lifetime and maybe even a few days after that.

petra at night flylice
lights at the end of the tunnel photo by flylice. via flickr.

be sure to schedule your trip around a nighttime tour, which is pure magic.

If you had an opportunity to live anywhere else in the world, where would we find you?
we move a lot, and i’ve found that i require very little. the closer to water, the better. sunlight and heat are delightful, too. but, for me, the very idea of our next home – wherever it may be – is terribly exciting. i always dream of our next adventure.

secretly? if i could steal anyone’s life and homes and talent, i’d become
john hardy in half-a-heartbeat. wouldn’t you?

john hardy bali home
john hardy home in bali via cookie magazine.

What's your motto?
it is sheer good fortune to miss someone long before they ever leave you.

i so wish i could tell you those words can be found in…i don’t know…some j.d. salinger short story or the secret history or even me talk pretty one day. they’re not. i tripped over them years ago while reading one of toni morrison’s books. i never made it past the dedication page, where these fourteen words sat.

no regrets, though. because they’ve been in my back pocket ever since, and helped me get through a few heartbreaking goodbyes.

i’m also a big fan of it’s nice to be nice. even when it sounds more like please. stop. being. a. jerk. please.

the end…

oh, suzanne! this was heaps of fun! thanks, everyone, for reading my ramblings.

i wonder if i’ve tempted you at all to visit? i know jordan’s far away and she lives next door to some rather interesting neighbors, but this is the sort of country that’s simply worth all the effort in the world. jordan breaks my heart with her courage and love and never-ending loyalty. you’ll love her. i just know it.

and, remember…you’re always always welcome at my place! xoxo. karey m.

Thank you so much, Karey...what an amazing place you've shared with us all today! And yes...I'm tempted.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

{ the art of food: b comme bon }

Never mind that I don't really cook much*, nor that I can't read any of the beautifully detailed recipes, the stunning photography in itself makes this french?? blog deliciously irresistible.




* of my current goals is to change the fact that I don't do much in the way of cooking. If you have a favorite {simple} recipe to share...I would be most appreciative. You can either leave a link in the comments or email me--see the link over there in the right column.  {Bonus points for comfort food : ) }

Hope you're all having the loveliest of days.

{all images--and many more--via B Comme Bon }

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

{ wednesday wish list: anything cozy }

il_430xN.43949935 by you.

The overcast, chilly weather I returned home to yesterday afternoon has me longing for coziness and comfort. 


il_430xN-1.33350966 by you.
How about you have any favorite comforts this time of the year?

{from the top}
lemon meltaways...Cannelle et Vanille {thank you Ez}
cable ballet slippers...j.crew
flurry scarflette...all in stitches
saddleback headband...mothlove {thank you Chelsea}

P.S. Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes and patience as I eased back into my post-birthday routine...apparently, it takes us mature folks longer to recover from such wild celebrations. ; )

Monday, November 10, 2008

{ birthday girl }

Le Petit Birthday Antique Ledger Crown

I'm off today enjoying an extended birthday weekend in San Francisco with little one and hubby. We're planning to do a little of this and a little of that--my kind of day! Meet you all back here tomorrow afternoon.


{image: le petite birthday crown, moth to a flame studio}

Friday, November 7, 2008

{ my place or yours...destination: NYC }

Get set friends...we're in for a real treat this week as my fellow blogging friend, the lil bee {aka Melisa} shares a special farewell tour and gives us the real buzz on her beloved New York City.

If you've had the pleasure of *meeting* Melissa you'll know she's a thoughtful, kind-hearted soul...a bit of a jet setter, a bit of an activist, and always...ALWAYS entertaining. Her lively blog is part of my daily ritual and if it's not already, it should be part of yours--Melisa is the real deal and a true gem. For now, sit back and enjoy the bright lights and big city, lil bee style.


Please tell us a little about yourself

I’m a freelance copywriter and event producer living in NYC with my husband Paul and our two dogs, Reggie and Paco. This week we’re about to make the move from NYC to Westchester. It’s been a bittersweet transition, to say the least, as I’ve lived in this city for almost ten years and loved everything it has to offer. So I’m thrilled let you in on some of my favorite things!

Are these two adorable, or what?

Three words that best describe NYC
Soul. Strength. Love.

Your favorite time of day
I’m a night owl so I love New York at around 2am. There are no stars in New York because of all the lights, which reflect off the sky. At 2 in the morning, it’s sort of like the stars are all on the street, and the energy is tangible.


Currently on your radar
I have a couple projects cooking that will combine two of my loves—fashion and writing. One of these projects will launch before the end of this year, and I’m really excited to see where it goes. I also love photography and am hoping to take a class this coming year so that I can learn a bit more than point and shoot.

What is your most cherished spot in your home? And why?
In my current apartment, my favorite spot would be our deck. It’s just off our bedroom and fits about 15 people comfortably. We have a bench, chairs, a hibachi, and tons of plants out there, and we use it to entertain or just chill on a Sunday with coffee and the papers. It’s definitely my favorite place to unwind, and I’ll miss it in a way that I don’t think has quite hit me yet.

Favorite discovery
That New York City is, and always will be, my home. You can live someplace your entire life and never quite feel like it’s home, because home is a state of mind. I didn’t move to Manhattan until after college, but when I did it was like I had finally found my way. This city will always have my heart and I wouldn’t be surprised if I find my way back here sooner, rather than later.

on the ferry

Where do you go to escape?
On weekends, Paul and I take our dogs to Central Park for off-the-leash time, which goes until 9am. It’s my favorite part of the day. For a night out with the girls, the best escape is any place with a great jukebox or good DJ (meaning Biggie is playing). And for a real getaway, I head to the beach. Not the Hamptons, more like Montauk. Or Long Beach. The more remote, the better.

Who is/are your favorite local artist(s) or not)? And why?
I’m a big fan of the street vendors that sell on Prince Street in SoHo. Some of my favorite jewelry has been scooped up from these stands, and I always get huge compliments on them. As for music, when I worked on 57th Street there was this amazing guitar player/singer who would perform on the N/R subway platform. He had the most incredible voice. There were times when I’d purposely miss my train, just to hear him sing. I went back there recently on a trip to Lee’s Art Store and he was gone.

What is/are your favorite local shop(s)?
There’s a shop by my apartment called
Wink that has great accessories and clothes. And I like to torture myself by going to Scoop and trying on $500 tops that I can’t afford. Of course, having a 20%-off-card helps, which I managed to score for 2008. I think I owe it to myself to go put that to good use before it expires, don’t you?

Best kept local secret
It’s hard to keep secrets in NYC. But one place that I adore is
Freeman’s. It’s tucked inside a little alleyway off of Bowery and has the most amazing food you’ve ever tasted. Plus, the crowd is always interesting.

When I moved from the East Village to the Upper East Side, I was nervous that I’d constantly be heading downtown for any sort of culture. But there are some hidden gems above 59th Street that I’ve had the pleasure of discovering. Like Café Buon Gusto, a tiny Italian restaurant on 77th between 2nd and 3rd. One night the hostess asked if we’d like to eat in the garden. She led us back through the kitchen,
Reservoir Dogs-style, and down the stairs into this completely ethereal, serene place. There was ivy growing up the cement walls and on the wooden beams overhead. One of the most beautiful gardens in the city that I guarantee most New Yorkers have never seen.

An ideal spot to linger over lunch:
Friend of a Farmer in Grammercy has one of the best brunches I’ve ever had, plus the interior is beyond charming.

 I could linger over lunch, dinner, or dessert at Peanut Butter & Co., where everything they make starts with Peanut Butter. Unreal.

peanut butter 2

peanut butter co

And there’s also
The Burger Joint in Le Parker Meridien. I don’t eat red meat or chicken anymore, but the fries are unbelievable and so cheap. Two years ago, Paul and I got married over Thanksgiving weekend at The Central Park Boathouse. Instead of slowing down the momentum to cook a giant meal, our entire family had milkshakes and burgers at The Burger Joint the night before the wedding. Hands down, the best Thanksgiving ever.

When visiting NYC, don't miss
Coney Island for the eye candy, most definitely. The West Village, for its beauty and great restaurants, like newly-opened
Morandi and long-time favorite Corner Bistro.

coneyisland 5


And I really love taking the ferry to Staten Island and back. It’s free and so fun for taking pictures. Plus, if you want to see the Statue of Liberty, it’s the ideal view. I’ve never actually gotten off the ferry in Staten Island, but maybe that’s fun, too?


If you had an opportunity to live anywhere else in the world, where would we find you?
We fell in love with Wyoming on our cross-country trip and talk about moving there one day. It’s absolutely gorgeous and so much of it is untouched. I’d also love to live in Paris for two years, or southern France. I’m a city girl at heart but I love the country, too. It’s just the in-between stuff I’m not a fan of…but I guess I’m about to adjust, aren’t I?


What's your motto?
Better to do something and risk failure than regret never trying.

Thank you Melisa...I have so many new ideas for my next visit to NYC. Best wishes to you, Paul, and the pups as you embark upon your new adventure in the burbs.

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