Indulging in fun, fun, and more summer fun is great until one comes to the realization that perhaps...just perhaps, she has not placed organization at the top of her priority list over the last couple of months–and it shows.
Charming mudroom/entryway via myhomeideas
I'm hoping these lovely spaces will inspire me to regain some semblance of order around these parts...pronto!
locker baskets from See Jane Work
I would love to install some open shelving in my kitchen (via myhomeideas)
Make your own organizers via Martha

I love the "martha" projects.
Thanks for sharing, love your blog!!!
oh boy, i love that first room! thank you so much for including our computer cabinet and within inches of martha's projects. i only have every one of her magazines! thanks suzanne - you're so nice to us!
xo, c
Oh! Gorgeous! I Looooove that first mudroom space! All of these spaces/projects! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
ok, they really do inspire me, but in a completely dreamy, unattainable way.....sigh.....
Yep, completely gorgeous and completely unattainable in my tiny space with too many people. Some day...
oh boy do I need organizational help after this summer of procrastination :)
Oh I love the clipboards! Great ideas, dear! :)
hey there!
i just stumbled across your blog via the peach tree... i'm feeling you on the lack of organization! i've had a fantastically busy summer but my poor to-do list has gone a bit awry.
those pics are truly inspiring, though, to get me back on a roll!
i need this vibe, promptly! must kirtsy this collection...promptly! xoxo.
Totally ispired to get organized after seeing these pretty pictures. I feel like I have been pretty neglectful myself this summer in the cleaning/organizing aspect.
Great post!! I am in the midst of doing that darn Martha project:) COme over to my blog and enter in my giveaway. You will love the prize:)
Oh. my. goodness! What a treasure trove of delectable goodies. Really, truly though, you found some great spaces to help you feel inspired and creative. It's amazing how the simplest organizing structure can help out a space, like those wire letter holders! I love those!
Every day when I come home from work I hope that the cats will have taken matters into their own paws and tidied up, filed the papers in the home office, emptied the dishwasher, started a few pretty crafts. But no. And yet I still feed them. Damn cuties.
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