Friday, March 5, 2010

{ making me smile today... }

image source

a rare lunch date with my hubby
the daffodils blooming in my garden
my new shorter {and perhaps a bit sassier?} haircut
plans for a girls weekend in the wine country next month
my daughter's cheerful, "happy friday!" greeting this morning

What's making you smile today?


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

The moment my little crumb grabbed my hand and said, "mama, yoga!" and preceded to go into a downward dog position! At two, she makes her mama proud, and I realize yet again, she watches EVERYTHING!

Cindy said...

sounds great, especially the lunch, sassy haircut, happy friday greeting - just about everything! pale pink is making me smile today and a forecast for a sunny/warmish weather. have a wonderful weekend!

Michael Wurm Jr said...

ahhh.. the sunshine! it's been so sunny today. amazing blue skies. the sound of snow melting. thank goodness!

Brandi said...

There's nothing like lunch with someone you love. Sounds like you are in for one awesome day -- I hope it extends into the whole weekend!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Pretty lanterns!

Anonymous said...

Having my Sweetie home after 6 days, picturing you in that sassy haircut, and little one's "happy Friday" are all making me happy today.

HeARTworks said...

An unexpected free afternoon is making me smile today!

Ivy said...

Today I am smiling because it is Saturday and I get quiet time by the computer reading blogs while my hubby and kids watch tv on our bed.
Your blog is making me smile and so is that photo of the paper lanterns.
Too pretty and now I want one or two or four.

Anonymous said...

that picture makes me happy, those colors are so pretty. the blue blue almost spring sky has been making me happy this entire weekend.

Melissa de la Fuente said...

Oh, me too! What a beautiful image....I want to see your cute new do! Making me happy today...the weather, my daughters, my puppies, my hubby and did I mention the weather? :)

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