Happy Monday everyone! No...I haven't forgotten about you all–quite the opposite, in fact. However, I still find myself playing catch up with post vacation chores...unpacking, laundry, mail sorting, emails, and so on. I hope to be back in full swing here tomorrow.
I would be remiss, however, if I didn't give my "baby" brother a special shout-out for his birthday, which is today!
Being nearly 5 years his senior, I can still vividly remember the morning he was born like it was yesterday (never mind that it was actually, ahem, 30 something years ag0). I remember being completely over the moon with excitement the day we went to pick him up and bring him home from the hospital.
He was my best little buddy from that point on--even if we did get in knock down, drag out brawls every Friday evening over who got to watch their favorite TV show (mine: Dallas, his: Dukes of Hazaard).

I'm also quite certain he didn't appreciate my disco phase--during which I often forced him to be my dance "partner".

So cheers to you little bro for all that you endured having me as a big sis. Though distance and our busy lives keep us apart most of the time, you are always close at heart and a huge part of who I am.
I'm so proud of the amazing, thoughtful, and caring man you've become. May you have the happiest of birthdays! Love, Suz
P.S. Sorry about the pictures Scooter Pie...I couldn't resist. :)
sweetness all over the place....
Oh wow. I saw that there was one comment and I was expecting it to be: MMUUUUUUMMMM!
OK NOW YOU'VE REALLY DONE IT!! The tears started little by little and by the time I got to the haircut I was a goner! You are so thoughtful big sis. I hope we can do something as thoughtful for you one day soon. GEE, how did I get such great kids?
Oh, what a cutie pie! Both of you! And what a darling and loving post....any brother would be teary eyed from all that love! So sweet, what a great big sis and happy birthday to your bro!~
i love these photos! the disco and the haircut (the reflection is cool, too). lovely tribute to your bro' - happy birthday!
Soooo cute! I love 70's pictures, so fun!!
I hear ya - I feel like I'm still catching up! I think just a busy time for everyone. Great photos!
So sweet. I love pictures of little fellas at the barber shop - just something about them.
suz, love your tribute to scott.. proud to be your "auntie" maggie
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