Last night, while visiting Shannon's lovely site, I clicked on the Modern Country link in her side bar and soon found myself immersed in a sea of white. There's something about the clean simplicity of white that I find quite soothing and relaxing. It also doesn't hurt that these talented ladies know how to do white right...

These charming wreaths popped up frequently in my virtual travels. Does anyone know the story behind these?

What a dreamy hint of blue

images above via biskopsgarden

There's that blue again--

natural elements, touches of greenery, & weathered metals add texture and interest
{3 images above via min lilla veranda}

image above via biskopsgarden
Is it any wonder why I want to snag a few buckets of white paint and makeover my entire house this morning? *sigh*
Happy Monday everyone. It's great to be back here starting a fresh week with all of you. I hope you had a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. I look forward to sharing the week ahead with you, which will include S.HOPtalk's first ever reader giveaway. Stay tuned...
White always puts me in the best mood. For years, everything in my home was white. Then I cheated a bit and painted my walls. ALL WRONG.
In our next home (wherever that may be) I'll be back to my familiar neutral palette.
oh lordy, whites and sunshine, thats what i want.
i'm loving that pale blue birdcage in one of the photos.
oh my.....I am so with you my dear! Break out the gallon jugs of white paint! And with those beautiful touches of blue....I love it!
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