Thursday, December 31, 2009
{ thursday thoughts...worth repeating }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: my life
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Cheap & Chic: for 2010
Hello sweet readers!
Melissa from Melissa Loves here, so happy to be helping hold the fort over here at my lovely friend Suzanne's for the New Year! I thought I would put together a cheap & chic oufit for a New Year's party. Something comfortable and a tiny bit casual but, with a little flair. Something inspired by this print by Sarah McNeil on etsy.
~facinator here $19.95
~ top here $27.99
~ lovely earrings here (shop) $14.00
~ clutch here $7.50
~ boots here $47.99
~ pants here $12.80
~ necklace here $19.95
Total ~ $150.18
I sure hope you liked it lovelies and Suzanne, thank you so much for having me hun! I hope you are having a wonderful family break and enjoying every moment!
Posted by
Melissa de la Fuente
A little Santa in all of us.
Sweet Suzanne asked me to share with you some of my favorite holiday traditions, and I must've started and stopped this list a thousand times. When I was little, really little, my favorite things list would've been about closing my eyes as tight as I could, squeezing them shut and listening to the sounds on the roof... is that him? is that? and then MOM WAKE UP I THINK SANTA'S HERE! That tradition would've been at the tippety top of my {littlest me} favorite things list.
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Labels: Christmas, guest blogger, holiday traditions
Monday, December 28, 2009
i believe...

Posted by
karey m.
Friday, December 25, 2009
{ all is calm. all is bright. }
Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Thursday, December 24, 2009
{a cherished holiday tradition: by guest poster Simply Mel of Reverie}

And as the years went by, I would find myself wide awake just waiting for him to open my door and declare, “Mornin’! Merry Christmas!” We would then run down the stairs and be welcomed by the festive atmosphere of the sparkling-lit Christmas tree surrounded by ribbon adorned presents, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the local radio station playing Christmas songs, and my Dad standing there with the biggest grin on his face and his camera ready in his hands. This is what Christmas was all about….the pure joy that filled every fiber of his being just watching as his two kids gathered around the tree readying themselves to open all the gifts he worked so hard to give us. Every year he checked our lists and made sure he granted our wishes … the perfect pink 10-speed bike, the ‘you’ll shoot your eye out’ bb gun, and the ‘must have this exact one’ black cashmere sweater (yes, this was only a few years ago!). However, the magical sparkle in his eyes every Christmas morning is the one gift that I will cherish the most – forever and always.
So now that I have my own little crumb, we will be starting a new Christmas morning tradition this year. The ‘early rising syndrome’ seems to run in the family which means I will most likely be following in the Fire Chief’s footsteps. And even though this Christmas, there will be 3,000 miles between me and my Dad, I’ll find comfort and joy in knowing that we will both be greeting the morning sunrise with magical sparkles in our eyes as we reminisce upon and begin a holiday tradition that we will forever hold close to our hearts.
{you can find me daydreaming here and learn more about all the pretty things I love here.}
Posted by
Simply Mel {Reverie}
Labels: holiday traditions
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Grandma's House
No matter how many Bing Crosby songs I hear, no matter how many twinkle lights I see, and no matter how many cookies I consume, it never really feels like Christmas until I go to my grandparents' house.
My grandmother is 80, has six children, 7 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Every year, we all convene at her house to celebrate and see who can score the most homemade caramels. The highlight for many of us, though, is her vintage decorations. My dad is the oldest at 60, and he remembers almost all of the trimmings from his childhood. The santas, elves, ornaments and angels are from the early part of the century, and many of them belonged to my great-grandmother. It's as if time stopped, and it's such a wonderful feeling to know that they've brought joy to so many generations.
Seeing my grandparents surrounded by their large family is my favorite part of the holidays, and a reminder to cherish what's important.
Happy Holidays!
Nichole, Little Brown Pen
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
{ the simple things: by guest poster kelli from kelli jane photography }

This December has been different than past Decembers. This December I'm celebrating the spirit of the season through the eyes of my 3-year-old....and maybe it's just me, but isn't everything about Christmas time more magical and fun when you see things through the eyes of a child? Our family traditions seem to be about the simple things we do together....making cookies, drinking hot chocolate, getting all bundled up and going ice skating, decorating our home with colors of red and green, and watching every movie from "Charlie Brown's Christmas" to "Love Actually" (well, technically it's just me watching "Love Actually" over and over again :). It's the little expressions of joy and wonder on my daughters face that have meant the most to me over the past few weeks, and being that I am a photographer, I try my best not to let any of them go uncaptured. I never leave home without my camera....even if it's just my polaroid.

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Labels: holiday traditions
Monday, December 21, 2009
{ sharing holiday traditions }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: holiday traditions, my life, Sacramento ballet
{ my favorite holiday tradition : by guest poster mary from pretty good }
But we fell right in love with our new community. Rather than feeling suffocated, we felt immediately connected with people who were more like family than friends. People who would spend their Saturday helping you expose the hidden fireplace in your living room and would bring you a pair of fresh lobsters they caught earlier that day and were only steps away with a bottle of wine and a roaring fire during a blizzard. So when the holidays roll around, we make it a point to put together special goodies for these special people whose houses we can practically touch when we open our windows.
The first year, we made my husband’s favorite fudge and proudly delivered them to everyone, until we soon learned that the ex-mayor (who lives just a few houses away) has been wowing everyone with her great-great-great-grandmother’s fudge recipe for years. Ohhkaaay.
The following year, determined to make our mark, we tackled this amazing, fall-off-your-seat fabulous cinnamon rolls recipe. They were completely, sinfully delicious, but making them turned our kitchen into a total disaster area and although I have been known to exaggerate for effect, I swear I was scraping the sticky butter/sugar/cinnamon mixture off obscure parts of our counter through late June.
Two days ago, on Saturday, with a smidge of a red wine headache, I was thankful that this year I had scoped out something easy (but still wickedly yummy) to make for the neighbors: Oreo truffles and red velvet cake balls. They're simple, require minimal baking, and are kid-friendly -- because three years here has added a few little ones to these homes.
This new ritual of baking, packaging, and delivering treats door-to-door is one of our favorite things about this time of year. And the very act of creating something to share with others and spreading a bit of cheer is the absolute reason for the season.
{ You might know Mary from her photo blog, pretty good, and her whenever-she-gets-around-to-posting Tumblr. Or, you might not. She’s also fifty percent of the t.ruffle girls, and would like you to know that even though Karey said they’d close up the shoppe for the holidays on Friday, the doors seem to still open. So take a peek inside before she goes to lock up. And have yourself a very, very, super, happy Holiday! }
Posted by
mary s.
Labels: holiday traditions
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
{ tis the season for giving: amala gift set giveaway! }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: giveaway
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
{ window shopping: spool no. 72 }
Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: fabulous finds
Monday, December 14, 2009
{ giveaway winner! }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: giveaway
Thursday, December 10, 2009
{ reader giveaway: the mini diary }
Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: giveaway
{ thursday thoughts }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: thursday thoughts
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
{ holiday gift guide: winter whites }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Monday, December 7, 2009
{ happy, happy monday }

Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: fabulous finds, my life
Thursday, December 3, 2009
{ thursday thoughts }
Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: my life
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
{ holiday card outtake }
Posted by
Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk
Labels: my life, photography