hi there! it's me... karey m. ...just popping in to drop off some surprises for my little suzanne.
you see, i treat my imaginary friends with very. real. care. and when i {gulp.} missed one of my absolute favorite and first imaginary friend's special day last week? i felt sick to my imaginary stomach. {it is a six-pack, by the way. wait. it is an eight-pack. because this is my imagination. thank you for playing.} but imaginary aches are the best because they're the easiest to assuage.
imaginary gifts always do the trick. here are mine for my friend, suzanne, on her twenty-ninth year...
a sweet family of three for her sweet family of three.

two petite jugs from which we'll daintily sip a celebratory champagne. or five. {don't judge. i am just following the instructions on the ceramics.}

a stunner of a treasure box. because my friend treats pretty much everything and everyone in her life as exactly that: a treasure.

and a bangle to store in it on the odd day when she's not wearing it 'round her wrist. because the shells will remind her of the beach and the colors will remind her of her little brown bear. and amour? well. i do speak french.

i would also buy her this. but only because she would know it was perfect for me and gift it back straight away. she is a very kind imaginary friend like that.

there is a chance that these might hurt her delicate little tootsies. this is a chance i am willing to take. they might also only come in size mine. and i am certain she would not mind. not one bit.

of course, if i know suzanne - and i do. i really do. even though we've not yet met. minor details. - she will want to write me a thank you note. i must order these for her, then. but imprinted with suzanne and not richele silva. again, minor details.

one more gift from mary swenson...my partner in t.ruffles...our creative confectionery. she baked suzanne a cake. then, i believe she took a photo of it. probably after that, she ate it. once again, minor details.

suzanne? are you listening? mary and i both wanted to tell you how much we enjoy you. and even though we tease about the whole imaginary friend thing, there is something very real about our friendship. for that, we thank you. and we're sending an extremely loud and laughing happy birthday, suzanne! belated...but beloved, for sure. xoxo.
if you'd like, visit me and mary at t.ruffles. she also hangs up heaps of beauty here and here. if you're ever looking for nonsense and/or a complete lack of capital letters and proper punctuation, you're always welcome at mackin ink. see you around, and xoxo to you all.
I did eat that cake. But thought of you, Suzanne, with every bite. ;)
Happy Birthday, Lady!! xo
oh la la - I didn't realize you would be wearing your sequins as well... drat.
I will be wearing ruffles on Friday, for my "29th" - so please dress accordingly...
An excellent collection of birthday goodies. And I'm glad you have a delicious cake with pink icing -- always a necessity at any birthday I feel (so what if my boyfriend thinks it's wrong for his). The little birds are my favorite. I wonder how the cats would react.
You just never know what mischief those T.ruffles girls are going to get into when they house sit for you. Thank you ladies...a most wonderful surprise to greet me this morning. xoxo
nothing brings birthday bliss like a big piece of cake!
These are all so wonderful. The treasure box is my fave.
Oh! Just such beautiful and perfect things for Suzanne ( and you ;) Imaginary friends are the best.....and how funny that we know them so well even though we have never met! You two are the best house sitters ever!
happy birthday suzanne! oh, and karey you may go shopping for me anytime:)
what a great post, karey! love....love.
oh my....you maybe the best gift-giver of all-time! and my sweet suzanne and I should celebrate together next year...xo t
Oh damn! Suz, please accept my bee-lated bee-day wishes, too! I even cutened them up with two bees. I'm sorry for coming late. But I do hope it was a good one. And I also hope you enjoyed that delish looking cake! Lots of love, Melisa xo
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