Tuesday, November 4, 2008

{ finally... }

Today's the big day...


get out the vote 2008 poster
I hope necklace
be the change tiny bowl

There's a poll booth on our street and I noticed people lining up to vote at 6:30 this morning...I can just feel the energy and {nervous} excitement in the air. In addition to voting, you can make your mark on this day in history by participating in this project--I'm planning on it. 

Meet you all back here tomorrow...until then, I'll be glued to my television

P.S. For those of you outside of the U.S., I'm curious...is there a heightened interest in the results of this election, or are you all so over it already? :)


  1. It's going to be a crazy, crazy night!

  2. I think we Europeans, at least the sophisticated and wise bunch of us, are very interested in the outcome of this election! It's more troublesome times than ever and I think the outcome, if a good one, can lead to so many positive changes in both foreign and domestic US politics and policies.

  3. You found some beautiful treasures, love! I love the necklace in the right bottom corner :)

  4. SO not over it! It impacts on us too (whether we like it or not) and we can't actively participate but it was being talked about all around my office today... And many friends and colleagues are planning to stay up through the night to watch the results start to come in. I'm watching with great interest - anticipation, (some) apprehension and (plenty of) hope!

    Lovely goodies btw! :)

  5. i love your finds. i'm nervously excited!

  6. Very neat poster! I admit it. I'm an American, and I am so over it. Glad it's coming down today and we can move onward.

  7. wow, did u take those pictures??
    gorgeous pictures and i love the poster!!

  8. Gorgeous picks Suzanne! It is a beautiful day today!
    A new era of hope and I am so happy!

  9. Hi Suzanne, lovely lovely blog, just came over from Melissa Loves.
    Your interview was amazing.I am British and live here and yes we have taken a very big interest in the election and i think everone in our country is pleased to welcome in a new era of change,because what Obama will bring to the world is very much needed and valued. We are just pleased for your country that so many turned out to vote and got a fair result and such an important one in History too.

  10. Just found you via Melissa Loves, and love your blog! Adding you to my daily reads in google reader :) On a side note, so many of your favorites are mine as well. My jaw dropped when you said butternut squash ravioli is one of your fave foods, it is my absolute all time favorite as well. So happy it's fall so it will be back on restaurant menus!


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