Wednesday, November 5, 2008

{ can you feel it? }

Me too!!!

hope by you.

Having hope in your back pocket is an amazing and beautiful thing!

Psst: If you'd like to get to know me a bit better, please join me for tea + talk over at Melissa's lovely place.

{image sources available in my flickr faves}


  1. this is a gorgeous collage! words just don't describe the feeling...but images seem to do the trick:)
    Loved getting to know you a bit more over at Melissa's.

  2. yes i would.
    yes i did.
    it was great and love your mosaic!

  3. Beautiful collage - I definitely feel it. Loved the post over at Melissa's too!

  4. beautiful mosaic. off to check out melissa's post!

  5. we feel it over here in Australia too - what a wonderful change, a moment in history that we can all be proud of!!
    Congrats on the interview! going over to have a look!

  6. It is the very first time I have ever cried when they said who our new president is... I am so relieved and so happy... I feel like this is the real Christmas morning.... I just need to stop crying for joy -- my eyes are puffy...the puffy eyes are worth it.

  7. Melissa's interview was beautiful.. Now everyone knows the special person I've known all along.

    That's my girl!

    Oh...and RELIEVED yesterday is over and ELATED with the outcome!!!

  8. Yes I can! YES WE CAN :)

    Oh thank you for this beautiful collage of red blue and white! Isn't it incredible? The feeling of pride to be an American?

  9. Oh, this is awesome! So cool. I am feeeeeling it.

  10. a beautiful collection and interview..I want to hang out with both of you...xo


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