Wednesday, May 7, 2008

{ stopping by to say hi... }

Just a note to let you know I haven't forgotten about you all. My little one wasn't feeling well and stayed home from school today. Everything is fine...but between trying to squeeze in some work hours, taking her into the Doctor's office, and taking care of my patient–I wasn't able to do any posting. I'll be back tomorrow with fresh finds and posts.

Thanks for your understanding. ~suzanne


  1. Oh, I am so sorry she is not feeling well Suzanne!
    Of course we understand and hope your little beauty feels better soon!

  2. Hope your little one is feeling better today! Take good care of your patient ;-)

  3. oh hope she is feeling better! both my boys have colds too..its hard and tiring for us mummas too!
    take care!

  4. yep, Maya has been fighting a cough for a week now, poor thing. Sorry your daughter is also not feeling well.


Thank you for stopping by...I love receiving and reading your comments. Please click the "publish comment" button again if it doesn't work. xo ~suzanne